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Re: TP5 & TP6

Subject: Re: TP5 & TP6
From: Rob Housman <>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 09:54:59
Why do you expect the Ni to peel?  Even relatively primitive Ni plating
processes (Model A Ford bright metal parts for example) yield a deposit that
lasts a long time without peeling.  Are you thinking of Cr which is so
highly stressed, and porous, that it peels after a few years (like just
about any car bumper - sorry, I forget what you call them over there - made
in USA in the '50s), especially if anywhere near the ocean?

Best regards,


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Bob Harrison
Subject: Re:  TP5 & TP6

Hi! Rob.
You are quite right, but the nickle plate is soon going to start to peel off
anyway !!!!
Never the less  it is best to really clean the inside of the relevant bushes
with light emery cloth ,then apply a very light oil film to the TP 4 Tube.
Bob Harrison G-PTAG

-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re:  TP5 & TP6

Careful folks, the torque tube is nickel plated 4130 steel and if you get
too aggressive with the "polishing" the underlying steel will be exposed.

Best regards,

Rob Housman

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