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Re: Europa-List: Flying and reading glasses?

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Flying and reading glasses?
From: Frans Veldman <>
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 21:12:33

Graham Singleton wrote:

> Frans Veldman wrote:
>> I was wondering about that: the distance in viewing angle between the
>> ASI and runway is very small, and I need +1 for reading the ASI, and
>> neutral for seeing the runway. There is hardly any room here for the
>> transition area... So, do you move your head when alternating between
>> the instruments or runway, or is the transition area indeed very small?

> I wouldn't think you need to look at the instruments during the landing
> flare.

I was not talking about the landing flare, but the approach. If you look
over the nose of the airplane, the viewing angle is not very different
to reading the ASI, which is normally in the top of the panel. So that's
why I wonder where the transition area of a varifocal should be. I agree
that in the flare portion of the landing the whole problem ceases to exist.

I'm not flying the Europa yet, but regulary fly in a Cessna which has
the instrument panel somewhat further away. The Europa is almost
finished, and sitting in the airplane and fiddling with some instruments
and imitating some portions of a flight (without making the sound ;-) )
I found out that changing focus between inside and outside is a bit slow
and uncomfortable. Never had any experience with glasses before, so
wondering what the best solution would be.


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