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Re: Europa-List: Flying and reading glasses?

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Flying and reading glasses?
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 19:41:13

Frans Veldman wrote:
> I was wondering about that: the distance in viewing angle between the
> ASI and runway is very small, and I need +1 for reading the ASI, and
> neutral for seeing the runway. There is hardly any room here for the
> transition area... So, do you move your head when alternating between
> the instruments or runway, or is the transition area indeed very small?
> Frans
I wouldn't think you need to look at the instruments during the landing 
flare. Only thing that you need to see is the far end of the runway. 
Airspeed should have been stabilized way back on the approach, so it 
should not change until you start the flare, then its academic. You will 
be feeling for the ground with the tail wheel at that point and 
concentrating on keeping it straight after that. I find I don't have the 
mental capacity to think of much else at this stage of the landing. Are 
you tri gear? still to be certain the aft wheels touch first. Ground 
effect will cause a trim change nose down.

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