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Re: Fuel system layout

Subject: Re: Fuel system layout
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 16:55:15
Dear Rob.

To answer your questions about my weight and balance.

1/ Yes I am between COG with the battery behind the bulkhead, but loading 
luggage up to the limit with full fuel, and normal sized people starts to 
push the centre of gravity behind where it should be. Conversely, there is no 
loading configuration in my Europa which sends the cog in front of the 
recommended position. By calculation i can see that moving the battery to the 
engine compartment will enable me to load up to the full 1370 pounds with far 
more freedom. I can also remove three yards of thick wire, thus enabling me 
to carry even more sandwiches.
    The CoG problem is only a minor irritation, which is most obvious when 
you don't have a passenger

2/. The aeroplane weighed in at 794 pounds, but I do not know how typical 
that is. The battery is a 17 ah unit from RS.
    It is a 912S.
    The panel is fairly typical, per usual Europa layout.
Hope this helps. Best regards.....Bryan Allsop      PS. Oops! Perhaps I 
should have put water in the engine as well as the fuel tank.

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