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Re: electrical wire spec.

Subject: Re: electrical wire spec.
From: M.J. Gregory <>
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2003 16:07:44
A word of caution for those sourcing electrical cable for aircraft: "class."

Cable manufacturers classify their wires according to the application.  For
example, Raychem supply several classes in their "44" series.  The so-called
"primary wire" or "equipment wire" is intended for use inside boxes, while
their "airframe wire" would be more suitable for general airframe wiring,
especially if it is going to be disturbed by movement or abrasion (e.g. for
a wing-root connector).

As far as I know, Radio Spares stock only the basic class of equipment wire,
in the 44A011X- primary wire 600 V  Raychem 44 series.  The 20 AWG size has
an outside diameter of 1.40 mm and weighs 6.50 g/m.

By contrast, the Raychem 44 airframe wire - medium weight 600 V, Raychem
part number 44A081X- series in 20 AWG size has an outside diameter of 1.78
mm and weighs 7.91 g/m.

I would also endorse Fred Fillinger's advice not to try and use two smaller
cables instead of one larger cable to carry the current for one circuit.
Multiple cables very rarely share current equally, and it is not considered
good practice for the reasons Fred has pointed out.

Build safely

Europa Club Safety Officer

-----Original Message-----
From:  Rowland Carson

>I am searching the web for a suitable wire to use for my panel

I've just bought some Raychem 44 from RS at about 30 pounds per 100m
reel. They do it in several gauges - stock numbers for the 20 & 22
AWG I got are 229-1466 & 229-1438.

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