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Re: Europa-List: Glide ratios

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Glide ratios
From: Richard Holder <>
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2003 23:51:24

> But back to glide ratios. I have tested this twice in the last month, once
> solo and the second time two up and full fuel. Interestingly the results
> were identical (which apparently backs up the theory).
> Both occasions were evenings and very calm with the small wind component at
> 90 degrees, and the start and finish at the same point. I started at 3,400
> ft (TMA limits us to 3500) and set course for our home field at 75 knots and
> with the motor obviously on tickover. The GPS said we had 6.5 km to go. I
> arrived at our base on both occasions at 1,200 ft. This works out to 18:1 if
> my maths are correct.

I make this if you were 6.5 nautical miles from base, not kilometres. If you
were 6.5 kilometres then the glide ratio is about 9:1.

Richard Holder

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