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Re: Europa-List: Stick Grips

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Stick Grips
From: Tony Renshaw <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2014 22:33:16

Hi Bud, Am I right that I can tinker with winding out the rod end at the bottom
of the control column, to get the whole range of the stick further aft. It 
though the longer you make that arc, it alters the way the pitch pushrod
travels within the aileron tube, and you could create a bind. Unfortunately I
have a nice little 1 1/2" fence of 2 plies of BID that creates a surface to 
my controls, and to allow a boot to attach to, which is basically in the
way of future close inspection. I think I might just rely on sound and feel
throughout the control movement range. Irritating, and unforeseen.
Tony Renshaw

Sent from my iPad

> On 9 Jun 2014, at 10:08 pm, "Bud Yerly" <> wrote:
> Tony,
> When going with other than the MAC style stick grips, you are in custom 
> territory.
> I have had custom bending and welding done with a stud, and also with a 
> military
style multipin connector in the top of a stick.  I find that custom stick
grips usually come with proper spacers for 1 and 7/8 inch tubes.   I would bet
that the stick manufacturer has a solution to the fitting, but not the cockpit
> The issue, as you have found, is the cockpit clearance is going to require you
to replace your sticks with custom bends to allow the grip head, at your 
flying position, to give clearance all around the cockpit. Nothing worse
than testing an aircraft whose control limit stops are the panel and persons
anatomy.   Also check the passenger side as well.
> Regards,
> Bud Yerly
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Tony Renshaw" <>
> Sent: Monday, June 09, 2014 6:23 AM
> To: <>
> Subject: Europa-List: Stick Grips
>> Gidday,
>> I have a pair of Tosken Manufacturing Stick Grips, but the way they are raked
forward is giving me grief. Ive already cut them down to suit, which works by
having a 1 insert with a smaller diameter hole that the grip mounts through.
So, I am after a stick grip that has a male stud sticking out the bottom that
goes into a receptacle that fits inside our sticks, NOT over them. Any 
>> Regards
>> Tony Renshaw

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