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Re: Europa-List: Re: wing lift/drag pins

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: wing lift/drag pins
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 22:59:12
Alan=0AIt's true, at high AOA the wings pull themselves forward as well as 
up. Took me a while to get my=0Ahead round this paradox but if you turn the
 airplane upside down set it up in high lift configuration then load=0Ait u
p-the wings will pull forwards as well as down. Draw the vectors in and y
ou will see.-=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0A From: 
Alan Carter <>=0ATo: =0AS
ent: Saturday, 29 June 2013, 21:50=0ASubject: Europa-List: Re: wing lift/dr>=0A=0AHello Peter.=0AAllouette Flying Club Biggin Hill, ma
ny years ago, ??=0ASorry you may well be right , but I am not convinced yet
.=0ATo move forward thrust must be greater than drag, and in level flight t
hrust must equal drag, this is all from memory, and it was a long ago so so
me number may not be correct, however can,t remember all ,but the total dra
g is made from a many different types of drag, one being Foam drag or it ma
y have another name!, but this increases by the square of the speed, all I 
remember is,( double the speed 4 times the drag), so think the total force 
is rearwards.=0AI do remember seeing a bombing raid, and a bomb falling fro
m above went through a Superfortress wing and took it clean off, and the on
ly way that went was up.=0ASo I still remain undecided. Does it say in the 
Europa manual the name of this bar, I believe it was a mod. Sorry I am such
 a nuisance, but my old instructor told me to be sure in your own mind, and
 that what I have done over the years.- - =0ARegards.=0AAlan=0A=0A=0A
=0A=0ARead this topic online here:=0A=0A
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -Matt Dralle, List Admi

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