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Re: Europa-List: Re: wing lift/drag pins

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: wing lift/drag pins
From: Kingsley Hurst <>
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 11:41:59

Hello Alan,

> What do you have to do, Ream out oversize holes in the spares bushes,

None of the bushes or fittings should have to be reamed.  If pins don't fit, 
the problem is one of alignment.

> And with regards to the front pin which locates the front of the wing into 
> the fuselage, I would say this pin wants to pull out, ie from drag on the 
> wing, why is there no pipe]pin here.
> I would say the rear one is in compression so keeps itself in.

Correct and also Incorrect.

In normal level flight, what you are saying is correct however, at high 
angles of attack, the wing then pulls forwards.  If you have trouble 
understanding this, ask yourself why the blades of an autogyro don't rotate 
in the opposite direction to what they do.


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