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Re: Europa-List: Re: Europa - Extra Gas/ Instrument Rating.

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Europa - Extra Gas/ Instrument Rating.
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 17:50:31

Sounds like we ought to get busy and make the 8 gal aux tank for the 
tri-gear happen.

My ideas two years ago, (where did the time go?) was an 8 gal Tank from 
Summit Racing made from high strength aluminum and fittings lined with a 
bladder, using the same siphon gear for the mono extended range tank.  8 
gal would put me at my bladder limit though.  It seems we just can't add 
enough weight to these aircraft.  Jerry Hope wanted to do a belly tank 
(teardrop shape) like we had in the T-33 cargo pod, with new plumbing 
that would allow it to feed via a electric fuel pump into the reserve 
side, and when refilling the aircraft, there would be a valve from the 
reserve side to allow it to fill.  Of course don't leave the valve open 
after refuel since it would not feed.

Any type of tank for use in an aircraft has to be idiot proof, 
refillable, easy to mount, ruggedly attached, completely safe, full 
proof, and include a liability lawyers blessing.  

Any ideas?


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: rampil<> 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 10:57 AM
  Subject: Europa-List: Re: Europa - Instrument Rating.


  Two more cents from the US contingent.

  Having finally obtained my instrument rating last summer, I have
  been flying IFR for practice and some real trips in actual wx.

  The only real limitation, to my mind is the gas tank.  With 
  IFR reserves (Alternate airport plus 45 min), there is less than two
  hours flying.  My usual cruise uses a wee bit over 5 gph at 3000 msl
  and the burn rate increases with altitude (some day I will crunch the 
  data and provide a report).  At 8k msl, the burn rate is over 6 
  the MP being about 5" less (constant speed prop). Until someone gets
  some real experience with the GreenSky HAC leaning device, altitude
  does not appear to be a fix for the 912s.

  As for equipment, in the US, the regs only require Nav equipment 
  appropriate to the NAV and approaches being used.  It is entirely
  legal to use a single NavCom radio with VOR/Loc/ILS. No requirement
  for redundancy in 14CFR91.

  Ira N224XS

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