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RE: Europa-List: sight tube

Subject: RE: Europa-List: sight tube
From: Mike Parkin <>
Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2008 15:55:39

Why not 'bin' the sight tube altogether and fit an alternative gauging
system.  I have twin capacitance probes and they work brilliantly.



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Greg Fuchs 
Sent: 03 August 2008 11:54
Subject: RE: Europa-List: sight tube


Geez, with all the tubing that's changing to all different colors of the
rainbow from the 'who knows how it will effect it' gas, I am beginning to
think of using glass tubing for the sight gauge.  Maybe fully encasing it in
plastic tubing that would take over in case it ever broke from vibration.
Glass should guarantee no color shift, if it is reliable enough in this

-----Original Message-----
> I wonder if there are some extra volatiles crammed into Canadian auto  
> the first tank of gas
>caused it to discolour and show signs of crazing.
>The replacement polyurethane quickly discoloured.
>Then I tried Bing tubing, stands up well, but soon went from a nice  
>clear blue to a murky brown.

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