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Europa-List: wing root fairings

Subject: Europa-List: wing root fairings
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 09:43:23
 07/05/2005 09:43:40 AM,
        Serialize complete at 07/05/2005 09:43:40 AM

 Hi All,

The FlightCrafts folks recommended an easy approach to the fairing gap. At 
least it is less dicey
than heating the fairing and fuselage to beyond Tg.

I was sent to the local Home Depot to find insulating foam tape which 
fills the gap, albeit with a somewhat porous surface.  The open foam 
surface does
not seem to impact my cruise speed very much at about 135kts at 22 inches 
MP at 5000 msl

Ira  N224XS

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