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Re: Europa-List: Setting wing incidence

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Setting wing incidence
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 15:25:38

Hey Will,

I'll be interested in people's response as to right or left wing. Many have  
put it on the left so they can have a visual on it. But I think it should be 
on  the right to that the smooth portion of the trim tab raises up into the 
airflow  as opposed to the left wing where the linkage side of the trim tab 
lowers into  the airflow.

As for servo info, mine is an MAC S9 Trim System from Menzimer Aircraft for  
about $180. But their website has expired so you might want to check Aircraft 

Spruce for their RAC Electric Trim Servos. They look identical. There are 
also  pix in the Europa Forum from those that have already done it.

Good luck.  

Mike Duane  A207
Redding, California
XS Conventional Gear
Installing the rudder, re  enforcing the door sills, 
still mulling over the trim motor installation,  
and working on hanging the instrument  module.

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