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Re: aileron control front bearing

Subject: Re: aileron control front bearing
From: Fred Fillinger <>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 22:58:27
One other suggestion is to not fully bond the Tufnols to the module,
but rather apply a thin film of wax to Tufnol face and bolts, and wipe
off any oozed flox over the edges.  That way, if a problem later
arises (seems a function of luck?), you can undo the bolts, crack
loose, and shim one of the corners to remove binding.  Thus also the
wisdom in a few thousands of polyethylene to provide some end play in
the front bearing.  My trigear seems to be a living thing, sitting on
the gear for some time now, where once there was clearance between the
floor and the CS08 rear aileron cranks, one is scraping a bit at full
deflection.  A similar "settling" under stress could bind aileron
controls, though mine hasn't.

Also, my edition of the manual does not say to flox the nuts in place
inside the module, and larger self-locking nuts would be better. 
Otherwise, you'll never loosen the bolts if a shim is necessary.  Nor
should the bolt fit through the Tufnols be tight.

Fred F.

> I am about to redux together the front assembly of my aileron control,
> sandwiching the tufnol bearing between the CS03 bush and the CS02 control
> stick fork, then fixing in the CS05 tube.
> I have checked all the archive material and noted the concerns over stiff
> roll control. As a result I have decided that I should
> 1). carefully open up the hole in the tufnol slightly to give a little extra
> 'play'
> 2). place a sheet of polythene between the tufnol and the flange of the CS03
> bush, removing it once cured to give a little end float.
> 3). Fix several lengths of fine fishing line or similar, equally spaced
> around the diameter through the length of the inside of CS02 and CS03 when
> bonding to ensure they are central and correctly aligned.
> 4). Ensure that the radius on the bottom of the tufnol block is sufficient
> to allow it to fit squarely to the front of the seat base.
> Is this sufficient to prevent stiffness developing or can anyone suggest
> anything else I might do before I start?
> Regards,
> Richard Iddon (XS Tri builder 533)

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