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RE: Instruments

Subject: RE: Instruments
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 23:03:22
>I still have conventional instruments each side of the RMI but it was 
>quite surprising how quickly I just started using the RMI. One quick 
>glance gives me everything I
>need. I know a couple of other people who have said the same thing. I 
>originally planned on putting the RMI in the VSI space on the panel for 
>ZK-TSK but am now moving it up to the centre.
>I am also planning on slaving off serial data from my engine scanner to 
>create separate displays for key data.
> >>> The UK PFA will not allow an electrical instrument for the primary 
> functions.
>I agree with them there which is why the ASI and Altimeter are still there 
>as mechanicals but now perform backup functions rather than act as primaries.

I must confess I prefer bar graphs to Its very easy to scan 4 
CHTs side by side and spot a rogue cylinder.
I still wish we had AoA as a primary flight instrument. Much better than 
ASI. (sorry if you're fed up of hearing that bleat.)


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