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Re: Mods n' things

Subject: Re: Mods n' things
From: Tony Renshaw <>
Date: Sat, 24 May 1997 16:06:26
What guarantee is there that you will not be one of the pieces that choose
NOT to remain part of the aircraft after such severe loads have been applied
to it upon deployment? I envisage a BRS beautifully depositing 3 reinforced
anchor points unscathed on the ground below the point of deployment. Does
the fuselage require reinforcing between the anchorpoints?

> re BRS ....
> I could not get enthusiastic about a vertical descent
>>at `1300 fpm.
>This would be at MAUW at worst (we are using a 1500 lb 'chute, so it would
>be slightly less) -and it is the equivalent of falling 7 ft or so. Better
>than falling a couple of thousand!

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