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Re: Europa-List: Whats new?

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Whats new?
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 21:24:42
-Another thumbs up for Funkwerk.......=0A=0Afrom the other one!=0ASent to
 you-by David =0A-=0APLEASE NOTE WE HAV
E MOVED AND ARE NOW AT=0AThe Zycomm Building 51 Nottingham Road Ripley Derb
ys DE5 3AS=0A160 Meters from Sainsbury's Island=0A-=0ASame Phone 0800 410
2122 and Direct Mobile 07973 675755=0A-=0A =0A=0A________________________
________=0A From: david park <>=0ATo: "europa-list@matronics
.com" <> =0ASent: Friday, 25 April 2014, 21:20=0AS
ubject: Re: Europa-List: Whats new?=0A  =0A=0A--> Europa-List message poste
d by: david park <>=0A=0AI have Funkwerk 8.33 very happy wit
h it and matching Mode S tx=0ADave. G-LDVO=0A=0ASent from my iPad=0A=0A> On
 25 Apr 2014, at 20:12, Richard Iddon <> wrote:=0A> =0A> -->
 Europa-List message posted by: Richard Iddon <>=0A> =0A> An
yone got any recommendations or otherwise for an 8.33 Mhz radio to fit a 2.
25in hole and replace a microair?=0A> =0A> I have spotted Trig, Dittel, MGL
, Becker, Funkwerk so far. =0A> =0A> Richard Iddon=0A> =0A> G-RIXS=0A> =0A>
 On 25 Apr 2014, at 14:32, Richard Iddon <> wrote:=0A> =0A> 

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