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Re: Europa-List: Had A Bad Day with a Perspex Window

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Had A Bad Day with a Perspex Window
From: Ron Jones <>
Date: Sun, 19 Jul 2009 13:26:39

Hello Richard,
Sorry to hear about the problem with the "sprung" window.
I'm sure you will already have thought that heat is probably the only 
"treatment". The problem is that both the Redox and the Perspex will soften.
The question as I see it is which softens first?
I haven't tried it but wonder if this might work. Cut a piece of metal 
(ally, 1/8th thick, e.g.) to the shape of the area affected and a piece of 
wood (ply e.g.) the same. Take another chunk of wood (2"x1"e.g.) to bridge 
across the inside corner of the door and, using a G cramp, clamp the whole 
thing together . With a hair drier, warm up the door-frame area where the 
window has lifted. The metal should (hopefully) act as a heat sink to 
protect the window while the Redox should (again, hopefully) soften and 
allow the Perspex to re-seat.
Just a thought. It might work! (Before you try it, would you please delete 
this email and my address in case it doesn't!)
Best regards,
Ron Jones. 

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