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RE: Europa-List: Battery capacity

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Battery capacity
From: Robert C Harrison <>
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 12:09:12

With the 6 cylinder Jabiru I needed 2x 13amp hour "starting" batteries
Oddessy or Red Top wired in parallel. The starter on it was likely to
pull momentarily in excess of 100 amps. I now have the Rotax 914 with
two replacement batteries (the others were 9 years old and showed NO
signs of distress) and the heavy duty starter just needs a stab on the
button and the engine is away, no clunking and wings flapping as the
usual scenario!
The point being that the word is STARTER battery that can
release instant massive power. Don't get just bog standard batteries get
STARTER Battery's
It is quite possible with the battery location being on the passenger
foot well that one of these would do the job but why be on a song and a
Bob Harrison G-PTAG

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Frans
Sent: 01 April 2009 10:32
Subject: Europa-List: Battery capacity



The Europa build manual states that for the Rotax engine, a battery of
16 Ah is recommended.

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