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Re: Europa-List: FWF Options

Subject: Re: Europa-List: FWF Options
From: Fred R. Klein <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 10:35:45


You write and I comment:

> I am getting the last little details taken
> care of in order to put the top of the canoe on. I keep going through the
> emails  about things to do and reread the manual and I am still finding little
> things.

I only wish I was as far along on my build!..and I'm sure the care and
attention to detail you're doing at this point will serve you well.

> As for power plant, right now I am looking towards the 912S. I am not one  to
> reinvent the wheel and take a pioneering risk of a new design unless I am
> getting a significant break on power, range, or cost.

Well...I don't consider myself as a wheel-reinventor...though I taught
myself to fly 30 years ago in one of the very early foot-launched biplane
ultralights, my mantra at the time was to cautiously "manage the degree of
novelty" as I transitioned from pure hang gliding; that fit my definition of
"pioneering". In the case at hand, Alex and Neil have been the pioneers, but
even so, they've worked w/ an engine which has been around a while and the
basic Honda VTEC is sound. As I see it, w/ the CAM 125, I'm anticipating a
modest increase in power, some improvement in reliability, maintenance, and
tweaking which some (NOT ALL!) Rotaxes seem to need, and though costs have
yet to be determined precisely, I don't expect any savings.

> My wife even talked  me into a conventional gear so she would not be afraid of
> my landings in a  mono.

I share some of your wife's concerns; I'm giving some thought to going
conventional myself as I think of the satisfying feeling of nailing the
upwind wheel on the runway in a stiff crosswind (sigh)!

Happy landings!


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