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Re: Nav Lights

Subject: Re: Nav Lights
From: Fergus Kyle <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 23:17:34
            Yes, I did. Mono diesel Classic with XS cockpit. I built pullout
'drawers' into the tip sections on the end of which I inset the light bases,
with short leads inboard to the power supplies screwed to plywood walls at
the end of the spars. In the drawers are room for other fittings and the
drawers are held inboard by top and bottom inset bolts. I have sketches if
you want.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
Subject:  Nav Lights

> Has anyone installed the Whelen wingtip lights with the local strobe power
> supplies out at the end of the wings? At 1.5 lbs each side it seems a good
> way to keep the strobe from interfering with other electronics.
> Mike Duane
> Redding, California

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