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Re: Nav Lights

Subject: Re: Nav Lights
From: Cliff Shaw <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 17:44:45

I opted for the Aeroflash units that were designed to be installed that way.
Only,  I chose to extend the wiring using #22 shielded wire to the power
supplies installed under the baggage bay.  The wing root will have a AMP
round connecter.

Cliff Shaw
1041 Euclid ave.
Edmonds WA 98020
(425) 776-5555
N229WC  "Wile E Coyote"

Subject:  Nav Lights

> Has anyone installed the Whelen wingtip lights with the local strobe power
> supplies out at the end of the wings? At 1.5 lbs each side it seems a good
> way to keep the strobe from interfering with other electronics.
> Mike Duane
> Redding, California

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