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Epoxy allergy

Subject: Epoxy allergy
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 08:36:36
I wrote to the group a while ago regarding headaches after working on the 
airplane. I have now verified that it is the epoxy that is the problem. I did 
this through periods of time without doing certain jobs. There is a direct 
correlation there. Unfortunately, I thought that it was just doing the active 
lay-ups of resin and glass, but I am now concluding (at 430AM with another 
headache) that it also seems to be caused by exposure to the dust from 
grinding the material (now both fiberglass and carbon fiber). I have gone as 
far as to order a "hobby air" ventilation system and have used it for the 
last few days. It pumps in fresh air when working on the project -- to a full 
face mask. I thought I had found a solution but, to my dismay, I sit here 
with another headache. I have been rigging the wings and have been doing 
filing of the skin to get a proper fit. I haven't worn the mask all the time 
-- only during active grinding. I must conclude that the exposure includes 
dust from grinding and is either breathed or absorbed through the skin -- 
even in the dust state. My next idea is to wear a tyvek full suit and wear 
the pumped in air mask full time anytime the fiberglass is touched. I think I 
also need to do a better job of vacuuming the dust from the floor and 
probably mop up after each grinding. I had been crawling around under the 
airplane where there is obvious residue from the grinding operation. This 
gets it on my clothes and carries along with me all day.

I have to get through this to see it to the end. unfortunately, I have the 
finish work yet to go on the flight controls, which entails much sanding and 
exposure to the epoxy. If I had this reaction early on in the project, I 
probably would have quit. These sleepless nights with headaches are getting a 
bit old. The good news is that I have been able to work on the airplane for a 
2 week stretch and have not had headaches ( due to no epoxy work - both 
sanding and lay-ups), so once the airplane is done, I will not be flying 
across the country with one hand on the stick and the other with a bottle of 

If anyone has any suggestions, I am all ears.

One idea that pops up is to contract out the finish work on the controls. I 
could just work a little harder at working and make the money to leave that 
to the professionals -- at least most of it.


Dave Anderson

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