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Re: FW: Apocalypse

Subject: Re: FW: Apocalypse
From: Robert Moore <>
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 16:41:37
I must disagree with you jef,
There are now two types of people in this world, Those who support terrorism 
  and those that don't. We are at WAR with everybody that supports 
terrorism. Justice and punishment of the perpetrators are not the issue, 
what matters here is VICTORY. There is no room in a civilized world for 
these terrorists this includes the Palestinians protesters and there 
leaders. We (the civilized world) have negotiated with the Palestinian 
leaders for more than 30 years they are not interested in peace. This is war 
and they should be treated like the enemy they are. Maybe Bob didn't express 
himself in a politically correct way but I must agree with him.

Rob Moore

>As an ordinary interested reader and not-yet builder, I feel the need to 
>react on this:
> >>> "Bob Harrison"
>Subject: RE: Apocalypse
>"The young kids in Palestine jumping for joy at the news of yesterdays 
>event, all
>"those people on that film should be exterminated because they carry a gene
>"deficiency as sure as aliens from space.
>Bob and all:
>I think this is the kind of unnuanced thinking and expression that 
>contributes to the kind of behaviour that we all condemn.
>Please, make an effort to look at the complexity of human existence and the 
>world we live in, and accept the consequences. please, please.
>Sorry Bob, but I felt it as a duty to react on this.

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