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Mods n' things

Subject: Mods n' things
Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 04:06:11
At the recent National Commitee meeting it was anounced that after  careful
consideration   the Executive commmittee had decided to withdraw the #15
 charge  for  the  consideration and approval of mods to PFA  aircraft.  This
is clearly good news for all UK builders   and I think most of them will
apprieciate the change.  

Given that  the EC has decided to bear the cost of this considerable
increasing work load could I ask you to  minimise the job by making your
submissions for mods as clear  as possible . Photos  drawings and written
explanation can all form part of your application and the clearer they are
the faster you are likely to get them approved.
I believe that we have a brilliant team down at Shoreham to  serve us  and if
we give them all the help we can   the turn round time need not be too long .
 They have  already shown how well they can do in terms of reducing the turn
round times of permitts if we do our bit by way of clear mod applications
 for  sure they will do their best to return them quickly.     Ron S no 33.

PS I will put this note in the next mag' but if you know any none computer
Europa builders  you might like to pass on the good news. RS.

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