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Re: Jabiru

Subject: Re: Jabiru
From: Jerry <>
Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 08:37:10
> / The propeller to start with will be a Arplast ground ajustable 2
> / bladed composite prop with the Jabiru spinner.

Propellers fitted to the Jabiru turn faster than on the 912. Therefore
blade area has to be less for the same HP and aircaft speed. The two blade
propeller should give best results.

> I presume that if it takes the airplast ground adjustable then it would
also take their in 
> flight adjustable? 

The Arplast VP propeller will shortly undergo testing on an 0200. Depending
upon the results of those tests there may be available a direct drive
propeller (In two or three blades) for use on the Jabiru.

> We will watch the developments with baited breath. 
> There is another very good reason for my following this development. NZ
and Australia are a 
> common economic region. I pay no duty on Australian made product and this
makes the price 
> differential between a Jabiru engine and the Rotax even greater.

When I send goods to Australia I mark them for Aviation Use. I undersatnd
that like the UK and the US there is no duty on civil avaiation products.

Sorry I don't know about NZ.


UK distributor for Arplast Propellers

                                         Flying Hi - Wish I was

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