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Re: landing it :

Subject: Re: landing it :
From: bryan.wilkinson <>
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 1996 15:05:58

On Wed, 2 Oct 1996, Rowland & Wilma Carson wrote:

<SniP >
> >I lurked on the Europa list for several months and was struck by the
> >multitude of hints, tricks and minor mods. that builders needed to
> >resort to.
Same here ;-/

> >Finally, I've heard rumours that the Europa is substantially more
> >difficult to land than people have been led to believe, a typical
> >problem being broken out-riggers.
> >Alan Jackson
> >Tailored Information
> >


One move may be to take some instruction  in one of the falke family of 
motorgliders .These have a similar layout in all of the ones I have seen.
Also known as the venture , licence built by slingsby for the air 
training corps. The rate seems to be around 45 - 50 pounds per hour and 
you could do worse than check out their web site - point ya browser at 
york gliding centre.

hope this is helpful , it would appeer that most builder/ lurker want the 
original harrier - ish central gear setup .....

* my opinions are mine , all mine ;-)

Regards , Bryan


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