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Re: Sale of Quarter share

Subject: Re: Sale of Quarter share
From: Richard King <>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 18:53:02

> Subject: Re: Sale of Quarter share 
> Date: 09 September 1997 19:41
> Richard:
> I think Tony has the right idea.  Would it be possible to 
> publish your ideas in the EUROPA CLUB NEWSLETTER?
> Thanks in advance,
> Christoph #223, Halifax/Wolfville, Canada
> Date:          Wed, 
> <> Subject:       Re: Sale of Quarter 
>  It has a one person rigging system and can be
> > ready to go in less than ten minutes from opening the trailer.
> Richard,
> Before you depart this happy bunch of Europans is there any chance of 
> obtaining a set of plans and build instructions for your one man rigging 
> system. I know a lot of people are interested in this sort of thing and 
> everyone seems to be reinventing the wheel. It sounds like you have a
> that works well and donation of the King Rigging System to the user group

> would be a lasting legacy.
> Regards
> Tony
> ---------------------------------------------------
It is not my system.  It was designed and built by Jim
Naylor<>.  I am not sure if he has plans or not.  It is
certainly worth asking him, since it is a marvellous system.


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