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Sale of Quarter share

Subject: Sale of Quarter share
From: Richard King <>
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 1997 12:36:30
Oops! I forgot that my present mail program does not automatically append
the signature with phone numbers etc.
So here is my message again with the neccessary details for anyone to
contact me:-

Sadly, I am going to have to sell my quarter share in Europa No.39, G-BVLV.
 I love flying the aircraft, but as a long legged 6ft 2ins I get very
uncomfortable after more than an hour in the seat.  This makes long
distance trips a penance and not a pleasure, so I shall have to go for
something slower, less interesting, but more spacious.

The aircraft has the Rotax engine, is fitted with a Garmin GPS, Tracker
moving map, VHF & Transponder.  It is kept in its trailer at the Gliding
Club at Bidford-0n-Avon.  It has a one person rigging system and can be
ready to go in less than ten minutes from opening the trailer.

Anyone interested, please contact me by e-mail, Fax or Phone, and we will
take it from there.

Richard King
Bank Cottage, Great Comberton
Pershore, Worcestershire, WR10 3DP
Tel: 01386-710757, Fax: 01386-710777 

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