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Re: Sale of Quarter share

Subject: Re: Sale of Quarter share
From: Brian Rauchfuss - PCD <>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 08:49:53

> > Sorry to hear you are leaving the Europa family, particularly  as I am
> > about to enter it.  I am  6' 3" and I know the difficulties you have spoken
> > about with your long legs.  I am currently awaiting delivery of stage 1 of
> > my 'XS' kit (no 356) in the land Downunder, and I hope that the new cockpit
> > mod might alleviate the problem a little.
>How long is 6'3" in SI unit's (metric system)? I'm 1m93 and thinking (dreaming)
>about a XS. Do I fit in this plane? 

6'3" is 1.9 meters (according to my calculations).  So you are just about the
same length as the other posters.

One more advantage of the Europa - all SI units!


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