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Re: Europa-List: Trim setting question

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Trim setting question
From: Kingsley Hurst <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2021 11:46:30


To answer your question ....... yes. 

The thing that intrigues me is not the fact that nose down trim is needed 
that is quite normal but the fact that it needs so much nose down trim. 

A few years ago I asked the question on this list ........ why is the 
tab always displaced so far upwards in cruise (nose down)?  I asked this
because I observed it in many photos of Europas taken in flight on an angle from
which the trim tab could be observed. 

It must cause considerable drag I would think!

Kingsley in Oz

Sent from my iPhone

> On 27 Dec 2021, at 3:48 am, Pete Zut <> wrote:
> Curious:  My CG is a reasonable 60.86" yet I find that my trim is generally 
> set
quite far down in most phases of flight (and never nose up trim).
> Is this what other folks are seeing?
> Cheers and thx,
> PeteZ
> C-GNPZ classic 912S

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