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Europa-List: Comm Antenna installation

Subject: Europa-List: Comm Antenna installation
From: William McClellan <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 10:46:31

The amount of archived data on antennas is overwhelming and some of it more 
than I can follow.  The volume of this data possibly suggests the amount
of not easily solved problems with antennas.  I thought I had come to an 
solution that would bypass most if not all the potential problems until
I read that some are having trim servo interference problems with the comm
antenna.  I had intended to install the Archer "v" configuration antenna in the
fin and a second "s" configuration comm antenna on the fuse side rear of the
baggage compartment.  The Archer information says inside the fin is the ideal
place for a glass plane considering it needs to be placed in a vertical plane.
My transponder antenna is to be on the rear fuse bottom side, reasonably far
away from the cockpit.

Has anyone installed an Archer comm antenna in the fin without having to shield
the trim servo and its wiring?  I intend to follow Archer's instructions using
proper shielded cable and also staying as far as possible from other vertical
metal objects and mindful of establishing adequate grounding for each component.

As I am trying to bypass the complexities of antenna installation and theory, 
input/help would be appreciated.

Bill McClellan

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