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Re: Europa-List: Fuel tank - bulges and leakage.

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Fuel tank - bulges and leakage.
From: Robert Borger <>
Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 05:05:38


Oops...  Not Methanol (wood alcohol), but Ethanol (grain alcohol) in that 

Drat, I always get those two mixed up.  Luckily, the yeasties don't get them 
up so I know my beer will always have The Right Stuff.

Check six,
Bob Borger

On Wednesday, April 30, 2008, at 10:06PM, "Keith Hickling" 
>Thanks for that Bob.
>So is the problem of cracks and bulges limited to the use of mogas? Has 
>anyone using Avgas had bulges or cracks in the tank? For those of us who 
>have not yet had fuel in the tank, would avgas be better?
>Keith Hickling,
>New Zealand.
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Robert Borger" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 2:03 PM
>Subject: Re: Europa-List: Fuel tank - bulges and leakage.
>> Graham,
>> There are so many ancillary ingredients added to MoGas it would be 
>> difficult to list them all on the side of the pump.  According to the 
>> Wisconsin State Government, there are over 150 separate chemical in 
>> gasoline.  There are detergents, solvents, oxidents, octane increasers 
>> and many other things beside C5 - C12 hydrocarbons.  And it varies  from 
>> Regular to Super Premium.   Some of them are mandated by the  government. 
>> Others are there to keep your carb or fuel injectors,  etc., neat and 
>> tidy.  Most of them change on a seasonal basis to  provide fuel which 
>> meets Federal standards on emissions.  Here in the  U.S.A., there are even 
>> regional formulations.  Fuels that provide the  minimum emissions for the 
>> temperature/humidity ranges of the area.    Fuels that are OK in Minnesota 
>> are verboten in Texas and vice-versa.
>> Though, I bet if you wrote to your favorite oil company you could get  a 
>> listing of ingredients.  I doubt there are any "secret"  ingredients. 
>> Check their website for information and contacts.  You  can also do a 
>> Google search on Gasoline Additives or start with the  Wikipedia and ask 
>> about gasoline and/or gasoline additives.  All  provide good starter 
>> information.
>> AvGas on the other hand is almost devoid of additives other than 
>> tetraethyl lead for antiknock.  This is why AvGas stores well and  MoGas 
>> doesn't.  All those MoGas additives are volatile and will  evaporate out 
>> of MoGas surprisingly quickly.
>> Certainly there are no insidious reasons for the oil companies to hide 
>> what goes in their gas.  It's just that most folks wouldn't know what 
>> 2,4-dimethyl-6-tert-butylphenol or methylcyclopentadienyl manganese 
>> tricarbonyl are or what they do in any case.
>> Just some thoughts from a fellow who has been in "da o'l bidness" (as 
>> they used to say in Louisiana) for 30+ years.
>> Check six,
>> Bob Borger
>> Europa Kit #A221 N914XL, XS Mono, Intercooled 914, Airmaster C/S
>> (95% done 95% to go) tail kit done, wings closed, cockpit module 
>> installed, pitch system in, landing gear complete, rudder system in  with 
>> Singleton Mod, outrigger mod in, Fuselage Top on, lift/drag/flap  pins in, 
>> wing incidence set, tie bar in, flap drive in,  baggage bay  in. Fuel 
>> system complete.  Rotax and Airmaster installed.  Mods 62,  66, 70 & 72 
>> done.  Completed the instrument panel install.   Europa  interior kit 
>> being installed.  Installed windows.  Working in -  25  Electrical, 28 
>> Flaps, 30 Fuel System, 32 Tail, 34 Door Latches & 35  Doors, 37 Finishing. 
>> Mostly finishing these days.
>> 3705 Lynchburg Dr.
>> Corinth, TX  76208
>> Home:  940-497-2123
>> Cel:  817-992-1117
>> On Apr 30, 2008, at 17:47, Graham Singleton wrote:
>>> <
>>> >
>>> I tend to blame the oil companies for putting all sorts of stuff in  the 
>>> fuel without a word to anyone.
>>> Could be wrong I suppose
>>> Graham

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