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Re: Europa-List: Fuel tank - bulges and leakage.

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Fuel tank - bulges and leakage.
From: Robert Borger <>
Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 04:58:31


I agree wholeheartedly about the alcohol and for all the same reasons.  Turning
food into fuel is STOOPID.   But, for better or worse, it has been mandated by
the Fed.  Just like MTBE.  Which the oil companies fought tooth & nail because
it is one VERY nasty chemical.  Strong carcinogen, long-lived and difficult
to remove once it gets into the environment.  Guess what, our wonderful Fed 
all the arguments and mandated it anyway.  Now we have environmental issues
all over the place due to it.  FINALLY, two years ago, the Fed dropped the
MTBE mandate.  But, still required an oxygenate be added to gasoline.  That
oxygenate is, of course, methanol.  Great for the corn farmer, really really bad
for everyone else.

And for Ken,

I have no idea if the tank problems are limited to MoGas.  It may be so, but it
will take some input from folks who have only run AvGas in their aircraft to
figure out this one.  

Personally, I will only be using AvGas in my Rotax once it is running.  Two 
#1 Alcohol in MoGas, I won't run it in my Rotax.  #2 Difficulty obtaining
MoGas at or near airports across the US, better to stick with one type and
not worry about it.  I do plan to use Decalin TCP & Marvel Mystery Oil as 
in my AvGas and will change the oil at 25 hour intervals.

Check six,
Bob Borger

On Thursday, May 01, 2008, at 04:34AM, "Graham Singleton" 
>Hi Bob
>apreciate your thoughtful reply.
>I wish they wouldn't put alcohol in though, It isn't good for engines 
>and it is even worse for the environment, takes too much energy to make 
>it and it uses up too much food, (imho!)
>Simple answer, there are already too many of us on this planet, we need 
>to start colonising space!
>Robert Borger wrote:
>> Graham,
>   According to the Wisconsin State Government, there are over 150 
>separate chemical in
>> gasoline.  There are detergents, solvents, oxidents, octane increasers  
>> and many other things beside C5 - C12 hydrocarbons.  
>> Certainly there are no insidious reasons for the oil companies to hide  
>> what goes in their gas.  It's just that most folks wouldn't know what   
>> 2,4-dimethyl-6-tert-butylphenol or methylcyclopentadienyl manganese  
>> tricarbonyl are or what they do in any case.
>> Bob Borger

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