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RE: Europa-List: Fuel tank - bulges and leakage.

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Fuel tank - bulges and leakage.
From: Alan Burrows <>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 14:47:23
Hi Everyone

As you may know from previous posts. I had a tank split on me last year
after bringing my aircraft over to the USA from UK. The aircraft had been
used for several years in UK without problem. The tank had sat empty for
over two months before being refilled with unleaded fuel again (thanks to US
customs). The split occurred on the inside of the tunnel and was very
difficult to see even with the wings removed. Initially we tried to repair
the damage by cutting off the top of the tank applying a sealant to the
inside and refitting the top, which seemed easier than removing the whole
thing. The repair lasted about a week and then started to leak again! So the
only solution was to remove the tank and replace it. The reason I tell this
story again is to hopefully avoid anyone else either leaving the tank empty
after it having previously  been filled with fuel (I am convinced that was
the cause of the split) or trying to effect a repair. The only solution in
my opinion is to simply cut it out and replace the thing. The bulges seem to
appear after a time on almost every Europa I have seen so I wouldn't be too
concerned about that

Hope that helps. 

Kind regards from sunny Florida :-)


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