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Re: Europa-List: fuel system

Subject: Re: Europa-List: fuel system
From: josok <>
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2007 18:08:14

Hi All,

Graham's fittings, aluminum pipes,  andair fuel cock and andair gascolator 
before the pumps, fuel flow 130 liters per hour, only one pump running. 
Measured that with an open return line in a bucket. That information agreed 
with the fuel flow indication of the plane. Added a push button to switch off 
the return transducer. Now, during preflight it's easy to check what the raw 
throughput is. There was no noticeable difference with the return line 
connected to the top of the tank, using the vent tube. Some pics are at However during the winter stop i will put 
the return-flow line near the top of the filler snake, because i would like to 
improve the tank vent for filling. At the moment it's difficult to fill the 
tank to the brim. 


Jos Okhuijsen

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