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Re: Europa-List: wheel landings [was: Flying a heavy Europa XS?]

Subject: Re: Europa-List: wheel landings [was: Flying a heavy Europa XS?]
From: Fergus Kyle <>
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 17:17:27

 After landing all four planes were refueled.  The two tri-gear's took over 
 gallons each, more fuel than my mono wheel. I had used over a gallon more 
than the glider winged mono wheel,

We were all at about the same airspeed, in the same area for the flight, so 
the conditions were the same on each aircraft.

            That's got to be some smooth formation work.......   Any 
fourplane I've been in the poor old number four ran short a lot sooner than 
Lead. usually me.

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