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Re: Europa-List: LEDs

Subject: Re: Europa-List: LEDs
From: Fred Fillinger <>
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2003 22:09:20

Fergus Kyle wrote:

 > ...but will tolerate an Average current which permits us to
 > forestall their early intolerance by modulating the time constants.

Above referring to pulsing the LEDs with square wave circuitry, to make 
the appear brighter to the brain.  This is obsolete by now, and may give 
you RF interference.   For panel indicators, you can get super brights 
cheaply now that will put spots on the retina, requiring cutting back 
the current or buying fewer millicandles.  Diffused clear LEDs to me are 
the most attention getting.

For area illumination as you described, the realities of viewing angle 
(i.e., beam width) similarly means multiple very super brights, so 
adding extra(s) makes up for not having the pulse enhancement.

Fred F.

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