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Re: Crowbar Mod.

Subject: Re: Crowbar Mod.
From: Timothy houlihan <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 08:25:45

My Europa has only flown the required hours for permit issue (the permit
arrived today!!) so this may be too soon to give you the assurance you seek.

My overvoltage protection module uses a small 3 amp, I think, blade type
fuse to hold in the relay and has not functioned / failed during the ground
runs and few hours flying to date.

Are you using  a Rotax engine with PM alternator or another type of
alternator , remember the wiring will be different. I think the real
question is why is your OV module tripping? what could cause that I wonder.


----- Original Message -----
From: William Mills <>
Subject:  Crowbar Mod.

It would be interesting to hear if anyone else has had a problem with
introducing the Crowbar mod, or if anyone else has successfully used a fuse.
> Regards,
> William

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