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Re: 18 amps from a 914 !!!

Subject: Re: 18 amps from a 914 !!!
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 22:53:51
In a message dated 6/15/2002 7:14:40 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> Well,  I started the engine today after I received my airworthiness cert.
> from the FAA designee.  It's been blessed so I moved it outside and
> primed the oil system and after about 6 blades, I saw the blades blur as
> the engine caught and began to run.  Brought it up to 2000 rpm and the
> oil pressure went to 72 psi.  The engine ran a bit on the rough side but
> I do not know how smooth it should run.  The "S" is suppose to run a bit
> on the  rough side with the higher compression.  After it warmed up a bit
> I ran it up to 3000 rpm and it smoothed out a bit.  The bad news is the
> 40A alternator was not putting out any power.  I checked the field
> voltage and it was "0" so the alternator wouldn't put out.  I have to
> find out why.  The Rotax alternator was put on line and it ran fine. 
> Charging the battery for the 10 min or so I ran the engine.   So guys, I
> have to trouble shoot it to find out why.  That will take a while as I
> want to get it put back together, and begin taxi testing.  Then first
> flights and a few for me.  I deserve that.  When those things are taken
> care of ,  I'll trouble shoot the "0" volts on the field.   
>         The alternator is driven with a modified "S" Flex coupling from
> companys such as the "Love Joy" company.  The coupling is designed with a
> rubber sleeve between both coupling halves.  That rubber sleeve will
> shear when to much torque is applied to it.  Because of the nature of the
> coupling, it also will dampen the torsional vibrations from the crank. 
> It looks fine not but has not had a load put to it.  The complete
> instillation that I designed weighs 9# complete.  
>         Now to spoil all this, Whelen Co. is releasing soon a running
> light system that uses LED's in place of the very old fashion filament
> light (very expensive) and a POWER HOG.  The new system is (I'm told by
> rumor) to use only 2A instead of about 7A with the old style bulbs.  That
> 5A savings will allow you to use the Rotax system and still have power to
> run a Art. Horizon., DG,  Turn Coordinator, radio, Transponder and leave
> a bit to use for interior lights or a wig / wag  landing / taxi light
> system.  It may make the need for extra alternator redundant. 
>         So I leave you while I fix some small leaks this week and maybe I
> be ready to taxi by next weekend.  Flying is getting close but I'm not
> going to rush.  Cross the "T's" and dot the "I's.  When its time, its
> time.

Sounds like a good design. I am forging ahead and looking forward to doing 
the same thing. With the 914 engine, 2 electric fuel pumps make the second 
power source nice to have.

I'd love to see some pictures of the mount, if you have them.

Dave Anderson

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