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Subject: Gascolator
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 00:44:15

A question for the group:

I am starting to install my custom designed fuel system with all  3/8 inch 
aluminum tubing. That is custom designed as soon as I get through designing 
it! My main question is:

Where have people installed their gascolators - if they have installed them?

I plan in 2 - one for each tank outlet. I have not installed the baggage 
bulkhead yet and am assuming that the lines must be routed back in that area 
- maybe mounted to one of the 4 square supports under the baggage bulkhead? 
The fuel lines would go from the tanks back to the gascolators and then 
forward to the fuel selector valve and then forward to the engine from there.

Also, with the 914 engine and 2 carbs, does the fuel line split and go to 
each carb -- a "Y" connection? Right now I am planning a bulkhead "T" fitting 
to split the fuel lines out to the 32 separate carbs.


Dave Anderson
A227 - mono wheel motorglider.

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