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Re: The Solid-State Gyro PDA

Subject: Re: The Solid-State Gyro PDA
From: Fred Fillinger <>
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2001 15:14:06
Shaun Simpkins wrote:
> Crossbow is developing a certificated version of the unit they displayed.
> It is intended for IFR replacement.  It will cost about $7-$8K.  Their
> uncertificated unit costs about $2K.

That's very interesting.  I think that means the uncertificated unit
will always be a PDA, never a panel mount.  There are indeed enormous
costs for STC's for each production aircraft type as a sole system,
but selling boxes side-by-side with the same basic functionality at
that price differential still makes the high end buyers think they're
getting screwed.  Certification costs plummet if you must keep the old
instruments ala MicroEncoder, but that makes no sense at these price
levels.  Essentially you then have just a backup, but an RC Allen
electric horizon costs only $1800.  This is tough market.  Even a rich
Malibu owner needs strong incentive to rip out gryos, go all EFIS,
with no backup system.

Fred F., A063

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