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Re: Realalistic airspeeds

Subject: Re: Realalistic airspeeds
From: Fred Fillinger <>
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2001 11:50:26
Hi, all --

There's frequent mention of "building light" here, and I found a tech
paper citing effect of weight.  It's concerns Bonanzas, and a complex
formula needs Europa params for real accuracy.  But just scaled to our
Bonanza-lites, it's looks a bit over 1/2 a knot per each 3%
increase/decrease in weight (say, each 35 lbs solo weight).  It also
decreases with increases in power setting, too.  This may be helpful
to newer builders reacting to the weight issue.

Also, the site has a cool method for cruise speed vs. HP, if you can't
do cube roots.  For small increases, subtract 1.00 from the ratio, and
divide by three.  So 75% on 80 HP is 60, full throttle is 80/60 1.33, do the 
and you'll get 11% more on the speedometer.  A
smidge using cube root, and invalid for the new Jabiru 180, but close
enough folks?

The URL is

Fred F., A063

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