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Re: SuperFil vs. Expancell...

Subject: Re: SuperFil vs. Expancell...
From: ami mcfadyean <>
Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 20:41:58
Expancel can, if you have the patience, be applied much lighter than
Superfil. And its loads cheaper and sands easier. Downside is its too soft
and marks easily; pinholes can be cured with Smoothprime or other
primer-filler worked-in with a roller.

Duncan mcFadyean

-----Original Message-----
From: Shaun Simpkins <>
Date: Wednesday, January 03, 2001 3:11 PM
Subject: SuperFil vs. Expancell...

Several posters have opted for Superfill instead of the factory-supplied
Expancell for final filling.  What are the differences between these two
products and what are the advantages to Superfill?

Thinking WAY ahead...
Thanks -

Shaun Simpkins

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