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Re: Re: Europa Installation

Subject: Re: Re: Europa Installation
From: Fred Fillinger <>
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 21:09:23
Per Ivan Shaw in one of the newsletters, in disscussing his flight
experience in a Subaru-powered Europa (70 lb. heavier), the increased
moment of inertia has some effect on flight characteristics, but
remains stable.  He feels it's most critical on the monowheel in the
takeoff/landing phases, requiring more skill on the part of the
pilot.  Just another consideration in weighing pros/cons of a heavier
engine, and perhaps more significant to some than just the payload

Fred Fillinger, A063, N3EU

Rob Waters wrote (in part):

> For many people the extra weight [of the Wilksch WAM-120] is not
> a problem, especially if they fly solo most of the time, and the many
> other advantages of the diesel will make it attractive to them.

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