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Re: More questions ??

Subject: Re: More questions ??
From: David Watts <>
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 22:38:51
>Is it worthwhile to cut the access and viewing holes near the tail? 

Most definitely yes

>Is the access hole just to hold an inspection mirror or can one
>really avoid climbing through the D by adding these holes?

Yes, you can reach all the parts in the rear fuselage through these holes, 
working through the large hole while looking through the small hole.

>As for climbing through the "D", I  put the top in place temporarily and 
>tried it. Pretty awkward, even without the gas filler hose in place. 

I can climb in quite easily and by laying one leg under the pushrod I can be 
quite comfortable. The only trouble is I am at full stretch to reach the 
parts on the rear bulkhead, and although I have done it, it is much easier 
through the access holes. 

>Moving along alphabetically, I made "E" shaped pieces to retain grommets on
>the rudder pedal tubes where they go through the firewall. Is there a 
better >way to seal these holes?

I used offcuts from the phenolic firewall. Drilled two holes to match the 
tubes, then cut it in half through the hole centres and bolted the halves to 
the side wall to completely seal the gaps.

Dave Watts.

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