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Re: Alodine & Alumiprep

Subject: Re: Alodine & Alumiprep
From: Dave Walters <>
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 1997 21:38:30

I have been trying to buy these chemicals in the UK. AC Spruce etc. cannot
help, as there seem to be problems with carriage of them from the USA,
under the Nasty Substances Regulations. The few people I know with the
stuff brought out a few gallons wrapped on their socks.

But they may be available from:-

Henkel Ltd - Henkel Ltd. Stand: C19. Tel: 0181 804 3343 Fax: 0181 443 4321.
Address:Henkel House,292-308 Southbury Road,Enfield, Middlesex EN1 1TS

Dave Walters

Builder 215

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