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Re: Breath of fresh air

Subject: Re: Breath of fresh air
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Sat, 30 Aug 1997 18:29:01
>> am also very impatiently awaiting any news on the variable pitch prop as my
climb performance with two on board, full fuel and bags on a grass runway in
sunny southern France are far from "healthy".<<

I can strongly recommend the Arplast PV50 variable pitch prop. We have had this
one for a year now with no problems. Rate of climb at gross weight, 1000 to 2000
feet, outside air temp 27 deg C was 700 feet per minute.Rpm was 5,500. Cruise
110 kts at less than half throttle, 4,200 rpm (digital, the Rotax analog gauge
seems to consistently under read by about 200 rpm on our Europa and on Alan
 Needless to say, but life is quiet and comfortable under these conditions. Very
important, however, to make sure prop and spinner are well balanced. 

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