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Re: New Baggage Bay Area

Subject: Re: New Baggage Bay Area
From: Europa <>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 09:26:53
>New Baggage Bay Area
>Anyone got any dimensions of the new baggage bay area on the XS?
>I'm looking to modify my standard Europa as I have yet to fit the interior
>it looks useful and pretty straightforward. I think I just need the
>of the floor. I assume it rests on the tunnel and drag pin reinforcing
>The bulkhead (from the tunnel top on up) moves back at the same angle as the
>original I assume. A couple of access panels are located in the floor for
>into the lower portions of the old baggage bay where you can now locate the
>battery etc. Anyone done any sketches? Is the factory planning on
releasing some
>sort of retrofit drawings I wonder? Roger?
>I understand the XS will have a side mounted fuel filler, accessible
through an
>access door on the starboard side. Will this be available to existing Europa
>builders and what would be the timescale? Roger?
>Anyone had any other ideas on the subject?
>Martin Tuck
>Wichita, Kansas

Hi Martin,

Yes we will be doing a retro fit kit for the luggage bay this will also
include the new fuel filler system. As yet i have not worked out the
costing's of the kit, however hopefully the kit and the price will be
available in approximately two weeks.

Kind Regards 

Chris Gunnee
Stores Manager

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