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Re: Stall Warning

Subject: Re: Stall Warning
From: Tony Krzyzewski <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 12:52:47

> >>Throw away your VSI, replace it with a Microencoder and you get stall 
> warning<<
> How does it work? Stall speed depends on weight, to a degree. Proper way to
> sense stall is angle of attack. It,s also the best primary way to sense 
> variation. The ASI tells you after it's already happened whereas AoA tells 
> it's going to happen. But that's another story.

Very true but some warning is better than none and if it keeps the 
beaurocrats at the German aviation authority happy then who can complain :-) 
The theory is that you set the stall warning indicator at 5 knots above your 
"nominal" stall speed and the inspector then signs it off! Any volunteers to 
design a light weight stall warning unit for a Europa wing!

> I agree with you,though, that the RMI Encoder is a valuable instrument.  
Density altitude is well worth knowing before a hot take off.

The only challenge is getting it to fit in the panel! I am going to put mine 
where a DI would normally sit in order to give me enough depth behind the 

Tony Krzyzewski
Managing Director  Ph 64 9 358 9124
Kaon Technologies  Fx 64 9 358 9127
New Zealand

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